Why You Should Consider a First Look


Today I’m going to be sharing about one of my FAVORITE things most of my couples choose to do… a first look!! I absolutely love it when my couples opt to do one before their ceremony. For those who aren’t aware, a first look is when the bride and groom arrange a time to see each other before the ceremony. This is becoming popular for so many reasons!

Although I love this so much on a wedding day, I also always encourage my couples to do whatever they want to do. Because at the end of the day, it’s their wedding, and what they prefer matters the absolute most! So although I love it so much, I do want their day to go however they envision. This is just meant to help you decide whether it’s right for you, and why I recommend it so much!

Reasons to consider a First Look :

  1. You can finish all portraits before the ceremony. Besides family formals, you can the majority of bridal party + bride & groom portraits before the ceremony even begins! I need a minimum of one hour to accomplish these, so by doing a first look, eliminate that one hour of waiting time for your guests between the ceremony and reception. Plus, think about it… Your hair and makeup is also fresh and super camera ready!! I normally recommend keeping family formals for after the ceremony. I also always try to schedule 15 minutes during the reception for a few more bride & groom portraits at sunset. This is when the light looks absolutely swoon-worthy, and no one will even notice they’re gone!
  2. It extends your day by 2-3 hours. Instead of trying to cram all of the portraits + family formals in an hour to an hour and a half, you can give yourself a more relaxed timeline. This is much less stressful for yourself and your entire bridal party! Instead of worrying about getting everything day, all the portraits are very relaxed and a lot more fun! Plus, we can usually go to more than one location and get a lot more variety. And this leads me to my next point…
  3. You’ll receive MORE portraits in your final gallery. If you have a first look, this gives us a LOT more freedom to go to several spots, either on location or off! If you have a park you’d really love your portraits at, or want to travel to a few different locations nearby, a first look allows us to do so. This leaves you with so much variety for portraits in your gallery! Couples that do a first look typically receive 30% more portraits in their gallery if they do one!
  4. You can react and talk to each other. When your groom sees you for the first time when you walk down the aisle, he can’t hug you or tell you how beautiful you look. He has to wait 30 minutes before he has the chance to do so, and by then, the initial first reaction has worn off! Most guys rarely show all their emotions in front of every guest at your wedding. It let’s them show their surprise freely! During a first look, I always try my best to find the most secluded and private spot for you two to share this special moment. And sometimes, this part of the day will be your only time alone together all day!

It diminishes nerves. I hear from so many couples how most of their nerves went away after they saw each other! It helps you to feel more relaxed and make the ceremony more enjoyable. Plus, you’ll probably actually remember your ceremony better because you weren’t so nervous. The whole thing would probably be a blank blur otherwise! 🙂

Hope this helped you decide on what’s best for your wedding day! In the end, I always want my couples to choose what fits best for them… because it’s their wedding day, and it should be exactly how they envision it!

Wedding Venue : Chandler Oaks Barn

Photographer : Nikki Rinc Photography

Bride and Groom first look in Florida
Bride and Groom first look in Florida
Bride and Groom first look in Florida
Bride and Groom first look in Florida